Thursday, November 26, 2009

I don't know why I love this guy so much...

... but he's becoming a bit of a regular (it's all those political articles people are writing!).

Ok, so it's not very clever but what I really wanted to say wasn't quite as punchy and frankly, no matter how much I may pretend, I'm just a shallow minded female out to get as many laughs as possible.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Aw man...

I'm not really that bothered if a cartoon gets rejected - usually they're just too long or the article has changed or something, so that's okay - it makes sense.

Assuming the reason this comic has yet to see print is to do with it's rejection rather than the editors keeping it for later, it's safe to say I'm a leeeetle disappointed it didn't make the page. Oh, well. Here it is, in all it's angry glory.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The return of the man!

I swear, I am going to do one for every political article that comes my way. I missed out on one about benefit reforms three weeks ago and reading the article in it's printed form just made me think 'Damn, I know The Man would have had something to say about this.' He also seems to be a favourite (? I don't know if that's the right word to use as I've only done 2) of the section's Editor/s.

Anyhoo. Lots of things to improve on. I added more words in the last panels from what I had in the original sketch which I wish I hadn't done. I'm getting better at consistency, but man, who would have though bald, slightly overweight men could be so hard to get right? Damn.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another rejected cartoon

This one was most definitely rejected as the brief change at the last minute, just after I'd got it scanned in. It was waaay too long anyway, tbh, and I sliped back into my bad habits for the art in some of the panels. Ah, well. My flatmate thinks it's funny.

My first political cartoon!

Inspired by the amazing work of Chris Priestly for the New Statesman. This one was rejected - I think. The editors usually only tell me which one they've accepted for the forthcoming week, so I keep on seeing supposedly rejected comics in the newspaper. Not that I mind of course...! - so I decided to bung it up here. The article was all about the trend for the cutting of arts funds, following our beloved BJ's moves as mayor of London.

I'm already rather fond of 'The Man'. I want another political article, dammit!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I don't actually hate men, just for the record...

... I am merely very sarcastic when some excuse silliness with manliness.

I feel I ought to make the disclaimer because I have been warned by a friend that I am beginning to sound like an oddly religious/theistic version of a new atheist crossed by a virulent misandrist with anti-caucasian sentiments.

This here be the comic that got away. It was one of three that was done for the student newspaper and the only one to not get any feedback, so I presume it won't be used. Therefore, I shall put it up here.

Non-student newspaper comics ('The Only Two' and other) will be arriving in a few weeks. I am currently without my precious hp scanner, besides which the Epsom ones here are like especially backward neanderthals, so the only things that will get put up for now will be discarded cartoons.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A slightly different style to my usual comicking one, inspired by the look of the enchanting Straslin and the fantastic Kate Beaton. One of these days, I'll get the basics of attractive composition right and then I'll be a force to be reckoned with...

Next stop, Nigeria!

One of the things about getting behind schedule is that when the comic does get out, it's even more dated. Ah, well. New characters are always fun and Henry is a dear.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Debut

Yes, yes, I know. Typical me. I spend a whole year gearing myself up to do cartoons beyond the blog, and I end up doing it for the last newspaper edition of the year. Anyway, behold, the second comic ever(!) to appear in newsprint.

If I get organised, I'm thinking I can carry on with the story* of my 'only two' gals online, and do 'topical' comics for the/other newspapers featuring other 'only two's. Maybe throw a few 'Made of Win' comics in as well.

EDIT: And ah yes, there's a great illuminous typo, the likes of which I haven't made since for ever. Typical me, as ever.

*And yes, that is still happening. Be prepared for a massive comic dump around mid-June/early July.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

On the Hiatus

Wow - I can't believe it's been over a month since my last update. Will try and make it up over the holidays, but I haven't been feeling up to much lately apart from revision.

*is ashamed*

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Dilemma, a tragedy in three parts...

... Part three.

And that'll be the last for a while until I get back to my old scanner.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Only Two: The Dilemma

A tragedy in three parts: Part One

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back at the LGBTQ society gathering...

Although apparently, the 'Q' remains contentious.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Words of advice...

...from our very own Sara and Miri (to those seeing this on facebook, you will have to click on the link to the page to see the comic).

Friday, January 16, 2009

I did make a sort-of New Year's Resolution with myself, that I'd try to make updates more regular, but to be honest, I'm just a compulsive ditherer.