Friday, April 30, 2010

Of studies and comic conventions...

Coming towards the end of semester now, which means exam season. I won't be posting any more comics until late June.

However, on a related note, I'm helping to organise a small sci-fi/comics convention in Manchester this July as part of an Oxfam fundraising initiative. We've got some writers lines up - and hopefully some more who'll turn up - to do readings, panel discussions etc etc. The date we're planning for is the 8th July. If you'd like to get a table or would like to donate books/comics/art that we could sell, please feel free to email me. If you live in the area, just go to the Whitworth Park Oxfam shop and ask for Emma, who is also organising the event.

PS If anyone knows of any really cheap printing presses in the UK, please let me know aussi!

EDIT: I am now using what used to be my 'essays' blog ( as my homepage so don't forget to follow for more writing, art and non-The Only Two related comics!

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